Week of June 26th
This will be my last entry for the grade 3 class of 2022/2023! We have had an amazing June filled with great explorations and time outside. I would first like to say a big thank you to the parents who made our National Indigenous People's Day such a wonderful success. The students had a fantastic time exploring Prince's Island Park and participating in many hands-on learning tasks outside in nature. The goslings and ducks did not disappoint!
Our math year ended, reviewing past lessons and exploring translations. In the first part of this unit, we performed, identified, and described translations on a grid, including simple maps. We also identified reflections and rotations of simple shapes and connected reflections to symmetry. In an integrated art activity, we also demonstrated how a shape can be translated to create lovely visual patterns. In the last few weeks, we also reviewed and identified 3-D shapes from nets and created skeletons of 3-D shapes. We used these concrete representations, as well as pictures, to identify vertices, edges, and faces of 3-D shapes and sort the shapes by the number of these elements and by the shape of the faces.
In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this year successful despite the many obstacles thrown in our path. The students did such an amazing job at being resilient, kind and caring. As a class, we worked hard to be the best learner possible and discovered the joy of approaching new learning tasks with confidence and a growth mindset. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and finds many opportunities to create new fond memories.
Kindest regards,
Sabine Harris
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