Week of May 8th
This week in literacy, we continued with our poetry unit and created a Diamanté poem for Mother's Day. We also continued to develop our research skills by choosing and representing an invertebrate of our choice.
We also looked closely at the rules required to learn how to add "ed" and "ing" endings correctly. We discovered that when adding "ed," there are three rules to follow. Rule 1: If two consonants follow a vowel, just add -ed. Rule 2: If you have a v-c-e pattern, drop the silent e and add -ed. Rule 3: If a vowel is followed by one consonant, double the last letter and add -ed. When adding "ing" we learned that if we have a short vowel sound with one consonant, we double the consonant and add "-ing" as in putting. If we have a short vowel sound with two consonants we just add "ing" as in jumping. Finally, if a word ends in "e" we drop the "e" and then add the "ing as in joking.
In math, we began our measurement unit on time. In this unit, we will learn to tell time to the nearest minute using digital clocks and to the nearest 5 minutes using analog clocks. In addition, we will learn to convert between different units of measuring time, including seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.
We enjoyed sharing and critiquing each other's life-cycle animation projects. We learned how to give and receive kind and constructive feedback. Students then completed their self-evaluation rubric based on the criteria we created as a class before undertaking this culminating task. The students did a fantastic job on this project. Please take the opportunity to have your child show you their finished video located in google classroom.
Thanks for taking the time to share all these work, we enjoyed all the animation projects