Week of June 6th
This week we spent time writing our last full story of the year. We have been learning to create a story based on a visual prompt. The students did a wonderful job predicting who would the character or characters be in the story, where would it take place, how did the character find himself in the current situation, what problem occurred, how does the predicament resolve itself and lastly, what is life like for the character once the problem has resolved. We are also learning the benefits of sharing our story with a peer and paying close attention to revising and editing our written work.
Our picture prompt!This week, we had a lovely time on our community walk, looking for invertebrate animals. We were fortunate to find several examples of invertebrates in various stages in their lifecycle. Our exploration was overshadowed by the excitement to see that the crayfish had now come out of hibernation and were back in full force, crawling along the bottom of the river! The students have also been busy finishing up and preparing our interpretive walk. We are almost done and can't wait to share our finished product and hard work with you!On June 22nd, both grade 2/3 classes will be going on their last field trip to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. This will be a full-day excursion, and forms will be going home on Wednesday. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Ms. Harris at saharris@cbe.ab.ca.
The grade three math class has spent the week finishing up our unit on fractions and reviewing 3-D geometry shapes, specifically identifying the number of edges, faces and vertices they have.
Students in Ms. Yasin's math class worked on estimating this week! They used their previously learned friendly numbers to estimate "to the nearest 10". In estimation, we call these multiples of 10 "benchmarks". The group learned about the "midpoint" of each set of 10 numbers - for example, the midpoint between 20 and 30 is 25. Any number that is at the midpoint or higher will round up to the multiple of 10 that comes directly after it. Any number that is lower than the midpoint will round down to the multiple of 10 right before. For example 27 will round to 30 while 22 will round to 20.
Students had the opportunity to apply their estimation skills to addition and subtraction questions where we did not need to know exact answers!
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