Week of April 25th
Our class participated in the official public vote for Calgary's official bird this week. We learned that Calgary is home to over 200 species, and we were asked to choose a bird to represent our city. This was a great activity to help guide our conversations about the importance of urban wildlife. We learned that we had lost an estimated 3 billion birds over the last 50 years due to various threats and conditions. To help address this issue, Nature Canada developed a certificate for Bird-Friendly Cities to recognize cities' contribution to saving bird lives. As part of the certification process, each city needs to decide which bird they would like to represent Calgary. The five birds to choose from were:
During our community walk, we used our time to locate these birds and become reacquainted. All of the birds were spotted except the gorgeous blue jay. Upon returning to the classroom, each student picked which bird they felt deserved this honour and researched it. To support our literacy, the students are now taking the information they have learned and are writing a persuasive letter informing the community of why their chosen bird deserves to win. As a class, we also tallied and graphed which bird was the most popular in room 8. It was a close call, but the Blue Jay won by a majority.
We also had a lovely time this week connecting with our Kindergarten buddies. Before gathering, the students in room 8 chose a book from the library that they thought their buddy would enjoy. In advance, we spent time practicing our books by reading them out loud and paying close attention to punctuation and expression. The two grades then connected, read and completed a visual representation. The grade 2/3's did a lovely job guiding the Kindergarten students with open-ended questions to help them represent their reading comprehension of the story.
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