Week of March 23rd

This week in literacy we have been returning to creating a personal narrative. Our focus this week has been related to big watermelon idea versus little seed stories. The best personal narratives are little seed stories. Seed stories focus on a small moment. For example, big watermelon ideas are larger amounts of time, such as a trip to Calaway Park or a birthday party. It is from the watermelon ideas that are very broad that we are able to then focus on smaller more detailed seed story. Seed stories evolve when we zoom in on a very focused part of an event. For example, Instead of a trip to Calaway Park, one would write about the experience of taking a roller coaster ride for the first time. A birthday celebration would be narrowed down to when the cake arrives. After looking at a few examples and modelling a story together as a class we had lots of great examples from the students such as- A trip to Hawaii to an experience of finding a gecko in a bedroom, or instead of visiting Grandma, the seed story was baking delicious chocolate chip cookies together. Attached is a wonderful novel called Kitchen Dance that the students watched which perfectly highlighted a small singular event with rich detail that helped to capture the idea of a seed story. 

We were so excited to begin developing a wonderful relationship with our Kindergarten buddies this week. It was so lovely to see our grade 2/3 students show such wonderful and caring attitudes towards these younger students. Thanks to Ms. Tonkin's class we will be joining our buddies every two weeks for a special activity. This week we got to know our. new buddies and supported them with a literacy project that required them to create a booklet all about spring. 

The grade 3's have been busy applying their multiplication skills as it relates to perimeter. We first started the week learning and applying our knowledge of centimetres and meters and how to use these standard forms of measurement accurately. As the week progressed we applied our skills to math story word problems.

I can estimate and measure lengths to the closest centimetre.

I can gain confidence with multiplication facts and applications.

I can find the perimeter of polygons by counting units and by adding side lengths or creating a multiplication equation when the units are the same. 

I can estimate and measure the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons

I can construct shapes with given perimeters.

I can estimate measurements in metres.

I can solve problems involving measurements in metres.

In Ms. Yasin's math group, students started off the week with an addition word problem hunt around the classroom! They were able to review their favorite strategies for addition. It was a fun transition into regrouping with addition! Students explored regrouping visually with manipulatives before moving onto showing it using the algorithm strategy. 
Some key take aways from this week's regrouping lessons were:
  • to make sure we are adding the ones column in the algorithm method first
  • to check that we are showing the regrouped 10 above the tens column  


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