Week of April 19th

This week's April snowfall provided our grade 2/3 class with a wonderful opportunity to get outside and hopefully enjoy one last exposure to winter. Aside from having just good wholesome fun, they were tasked to create the tallest structure they could make out of snow. In the 15-minute building task as they tried to complete their structure, I heard some great conversations and vocabulary such as the words; stable, unstable, base, and foundation. When the task was over, the students were given the challenge of finding a way to measure their structure using a non-standard form of measurement. Most of them decided their hand would be the best unit. The challenge then continued back in the classroom. The second task was to then convert their hand measurement into units of either unifex cubes ( grade 2) or centimetres ( grade 3) and measure and draw a structure that was the same height as their snow tower. What fun they had converting, adding and/or multiplying their units...