Week of Feb 28th

We had a lovely week as we enter into the month of March. The saying March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb was a perfect way to connect our learning to similes and metaphors. We took our learning and cameras outside on our community walk looking for inspiration to create our own examples of similes and metaphors and we were not disappointed. Below are a few examples of the students photographs,  discoveries and writing. Can you find the simile to match the photograph? 

"The tree bark looks like a flute playing in an orchestra"

"The ice is like craters in the moon"

"The flower is like a cartoon from the Lorax"

"The branches are covered in frost like a blanket of velvet"

"The berries are as red as cherries on a chocolate Sunday" 

"The ice drips like a slow moving faucet" 

The grade three's have continued their learning regarding multiplication. We continue to practice our skip counting to help us learn our multiplication tables involving the number patterns for 2,3,4,5,and 10. We also learned that when multiplying we are looking for the product and what vocabulary would be used when solving a multiplication math story word problem. It is important to build on our understanding of multiplication and learn several strategies for remembering and deriving multiplication facts so that we can use them to tackle problems with confidence.   

This week in Ms. Yasin’s math group, students worked on subtraction strategies. They reviewed how to subtract multiples of 10 from any number less than 100. Further, students learned how to subtract using place value in two different ways! It is important for students to have a conceptual understanding of mathematical operations so that they can acknowledge and justify what is happening in these processes! Using place value is a great way to visualize these concepts! Students will practice and fine tune these subtraction skills so that they can solve these problems mentally. Lastly, Ms. Yasin's group had a blast learning a new card game this week called "Salut". It involves 3 or more players. Two of the players will choose a card at random, holding it up to their foreheads without looking at their own (they can look at the other players card)! The third player will tell the group the sum of the two cards, and the students holding the cards will have to figure out what they are holding! It is a great way to practice missing addends or subtrahends!
The kiddos worked very hard this week and should be proud of all the subtraction they have been doing!


  1. Dear Room 8,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photography and poetic language! The similes are really stunning. It's been so neat to see your writing come to life and the pride you are showing as writers.

    ~ Mrs. Scarrow


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