Week of Feb. 22

February 22-25th

It is hard to believe we are already bringing the month of February to a close. For the last two week our class has been busy preparing for our Pink Shirt day assembly. Along with the other grade 2/3 class we worked hard creating a skit to remind our school of the importance of being an upstander. The students did a fantastic job fulfilling a variety of roles to create or skit; some chose to do set design some wanted a speaking part in the play, some a non-speaking part and others preferred to read our announcements in preparation for our day. We learned and taught others that an upstander is someone who chooses to stand up to bullies. To be an upstander one can; be a buddy to someone who is being bullied, interrupt by asking that person to come and join you, speak out by facing the bully and letting them know what they are doing is wrong and lastly, tell someone by finding an adult.


We also revisited the book the Invisible Boy, this time after reading the book we dug a little deeper into the concepts of being included and being excluded and what this would look like. We discussed what we could do to help someone who maybe feeling excluded to be included. 


This week the students finished up their autobiographies. They did a marvellous job and we are now in the process of editing, practicing reading it aloud and videotaping them.  Our autobiographies will be uploaded into each student’s google classroom. We should have them all done and uploaded by Monday March the 7th. Please sign into your child’s google account to have a look and listen prior to our Parent teacher conference.


In math the grade 3 class started multiplication. We had lots of fun introducing this concept as it coincides with our 100 days of school. Initially the students had to estimate the number of key chains they saw, then we reviewed how we could group a number of objects to help us count them, this made for a great introduction into multiplication. We discussed that in a multiplication equation such as 5x4 the 5 indicates the number of groups and the 4 the number of objects in each group. We then began to look at how we can use repeated addition to find the total amount in a set of equal groups i.e. 3+3+3+3= 12

This week in Ms. Yasin's math group, students began using their math strategies to work on subtraction expressions. Students practiced subtracting multiples of 10 without using their fingers or a number line. Student learned the trick of just subtracting the tens place value and leaving the ones place value the same (when subtracting multiples of 10). For example, with 56 - 20 we can think of it as 5 tens - 2 tens, and then put the 6 ones back for the answer. Their goal is to be able to do this without looking at a 100's chart! Students worked on a number riddle for "two's"-day this week (22-2-22!) and acknowledged 100 days of school by showing the number 100 in different ways! 


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