Your boat must meet the following criteria:
a. float
b. be stable
c. able to carry a load
You must also include (see attached sheet):
a. a labelled diagram of your boat of the materials
b. an explanation of why you chose the materials you did and how the parts work to make the boat effective
Criteria Description | Yes | A good start | Not yet | No attempt |
Constructs a boat that meets all 3 criteria |
Neatly and accurately draws a labelled diagram of the boat |
Provides an explanation about the choice of materials |
Provides an explanation about how the parts work to make the boat effective |
Provides an explanation about what worked well and what could be improved |
Using the book Two of Everything we circled back to the concept of the doubling pattern. We enjoyed reading and predicting what would happen each time something was put into the magic pot. The grade two's are working hard to learn their double doubles when adding numbers up to 9+9. With that ability, we are also covering the knowledge of doubles +1 and doubles -1. For example, if I know that 8+8=16 then I can easily recall 8+7=15 and 8+9= 17. Next week the grade 3's will use this book to revisit their ability to create a T-table and extend this activity by using the magic pot and simple rules to generate data sets. The student will need to guess the rule by giving an input number and telling the output that would result.

We also started our unit in Magnets this week. The students were asked to share what they already know and wonder about this topic prior to beginning our discussion. In doing so we learned about the creation of a KWML chart. This is a nice way to have the students share what they already K-know about a topic, W-Wonder about a topic, M- Misconceptions they may have about what they think they knew and, L-Learned- What new information do they learn as we work through our learning tasks.
This week in math with Ms. Yasin, we started by sorting 2D shapes from the environment into groups based on their sides, side lengths and vertices.
We then continued to focus on mental math strategies by reviewing number bonds to 10 and creating a little math monster with all the bonds to 10 questions we got correct! We reviewed and practiced our doubles facts by playing a virtual game called Hit the Button. We finished off the week learning a new mental math strategy using friendly numbers! The number 10 (and all its multiples) is our best friend!
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