Week of Jan. 23rd

We are starting to enjoy looking more closely at a poem a week. When we study a poem for the entire week, we have a chance to feel confident in our ability to analyze the poem and understand it on a deeper level. There are tons of benefits to reading poetry besides just comprehension. Reading poetry can help students with their fluency. There are opportunities to work on phrasing and expression; since poems are short, it is easy to reread them several times during the week. Poetry can also be a great way to engage and spark interest in a reluctant reader. Winter’s Beauty By William Henry Davies Is it not fine to walk in spring, When leaves are born, and hear birds sing? And when they lose their singing powers, In summer, watch the bees at flowers? Is it not fine, when summer’s past, To have the leaves, no longer fast, Biting my heel where ever I go, Or dancing lightly on my toe? Now winter’s here and rivers freeze; As I walk out I see the trees, Wherein ...