Week of October 24th

As part of our Social Studies program, we are learning about Alberta, and it's regions. As a class, we are extending our focus to include significant Indigenous Landmarks in Alberta. The grade 3/4 students are busy learning how to create a google slide show and researching one important Alberta Indigenous Landmark. We will be sharing and teaching each other where the landmarks are located in Alberta, the significance of these landmarks to the Indigenous people, and what you can expect to see when you visit. Our initial research has found many wonderful locations that have been placed on our google classroom, such as; Okotoks Rock, Ancient Buffalo Rock, Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, Mt. Yamnuska. Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park, Grassi Lakes, Grotto Canyon. In Science, we have started our Waste and our World Unit. This week we began to identify wastes produced within our community and the different forms of pollution. We have also begun to explore our human consumption and learn t...