Buoyancy and Boats

Since our first week of school, we have enjoyed the hands-on experiences that our Buoyancy and Boat unit has provided. Supporting each other and learning how to work together while fulfilling a science challenge has been a great way to build new friendships and make a meaningful connection. Our unit is not over, but we have drawn conclusions that help us understand the concepts of buoyancy and water displacement to design a watercraft that will support a given amount of weight. We are excited to continue to build on our learning so that we may create a self-propelled boat as our final project. In closing, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to join me for our Parent-Teacher conferences. It was such a pleasure learning more about your child and understanding what they are like outside of the classroom. I look forward to connecting with you again in November to share your child's academic progress and what learning goals we will be addressing based on their ach...